We are excited to announce that we are in the beginning processes of organizing our re-opening. We are in constructing barriers and other sanitization modifications for the venue in preparation of your arrival. At this moment we do not have an absolute opening date however it looks like July is increasingly becoming a likely option depending on Governor of Washington announcements over the next couple weeks. These modifications will allow us to keep our staff, performers and our beloved guests safe and healthy. We miss you so and can't wait to get the glittery green light to entertain you once again with our new distanced seating plan, barriers and fierce sanitization plan of course. We will be contacting guests regarding rescheduling as soon as our staff is back in action. Stay tuned.Support
Can Can
For Soon To Be Announced Summer DatesGIFT CARDS
All proceeds are used to provide financial assistance to our performers and staff during closure VIP AMBASSADOR PROGRAM
Our Long Awaited VIP Program Announced!Enjoy lavish benefits, introduce friends, help Can Can, and save by subscribing to our Monthly VIP Show Subscription. Priority seating, personal concierge, One Ticket To A show of your choosing per month, free admission to invitation only dress rehearsal with champagne, and more! VIP/priority seating and three-course dinner or Chef Select menus (menus vary depending on the show you attend) Learn more with the link above.